- This exercise will consist of a track not less than 200 yards and no more than 400 yards.
- The track will begin between two markers or at an evidence article.
- The track layer will begin walking at a normal pace and stride.
- The track will contain two turns between 45 and 90 degrees.
- The track will terminate at a low profile article not easily distinguished from a distance.
- Surface for the track will be: grass, weeds, dirt, gravel, hard surface or a combination of all.
- The track will be aged a minimum of twenty minutes and not more than an hour.
- There will be one evidence article on each leg of the track.
- It will be the responsibility of the K-9 team to determine direction of travel.
- The only direction eliminated will be the path taken by the team to arrive at the starting point.
It must be obvious to the certifying officials that the team is on the track; the dog is tracking, and successfully completes the track by locating the end article.
Test will be judged Pass/Fail.
The team must wait 24 hrs. before attempting the re-test.
Being unable to forecast testing sites, several areas are listed to accommodate available sites. The certifying official will make the final determination of which site to use. The certifying official will determine appropriate times between tracks. An effort will be made to make all tracks fair and reasonable, yet designed to challenge the teams ability.