Florida Law Enforcement Canine Association
Wildlife Game Detection Certification
Certification Rules:
Eight total hides
Two misses will be allowed for certification. 75%
A total of three different distractions will be used throughout the certification. One distraction in each area of testing. Examples of distractions, (food, animal odors, clean packaging materials, pungent but not harmful chemicals, clean reward toys, etc.)
Basic odors for certification:
- White Tail Deer – Scientific Name – Odocoileus Virginianous
- Osceola Turkey – Scientific Name – Meleagris Gallopavo Osceola
- American Alligator – Scientific Name – Alligator Mississippienisis
- Red Snapper – Scientific Name – Lutjanus Campechanus
- Python-Scientific Name – Python Regins
- Rat Snake – Scientific Name – Pantherophis Spiloides
- Milk Snake – Scientific Name – Lampropeltis Triangulum Hondurensis
- Lobster-Scientific Name – Panulirus Argus
- Queen Conch – Scientific Name – Aliger Gigas
- Logger Head Turtle – Scientific Name – Caretta Caretta
All substance weights will be between 1/4 lbs and 1 lbs.
All substances will be placed out 30 minutes prior to testing by the certifying officials.
Indications must be obvious to the certifying officials and called by the handler before moving onto the next search area.
The agency requesting a certification should supply the detection odors or make arrangements with the certifying officials before certification.
The testing will be judged on a pass or fail.
If a canine team fails:
The team must wait 24 hours before attempting the re-test.
Vehicle Search:
Five vehicles will be used. Three hides and two blanks.
The vehicles may be of any type or model and may include automobiles, trucks, buses, airplanes, boats, etc.
No two hides will be placed on the same vehicle.
The substance will be placed on the exterior of the vehicle where scent is available
to the canine.
The substances will be placed out 30 minutes prior to testing by the certifying officials.
Total allotted time to complete the vehicle testing will be eight minutes.
Interior Room Search:
Four rooms will be used. Three hides and one blank.
The rooms must be at least 200 square feet.
Large rooms can be sectioned off with a makeshift or temporary barrier to reduce it to the 200 square foot minimum.
No two hides will be placed in the same room and no hide may be higher than six feet from the ground or floor.
The substances will be placed out 30 minutes prior to testing by the certifying officials.
Total allotted time to complete the interior room testing will be twelve minutes.
Parcels, Luggage, or Lockers:
Two hides will be placed out in two different locations.
A minimum of ten parcels, ten luggage bags, or ten lockers will be used containing one hide.
The substances will be placed out 30 minutes prior to testing by the certifying officials.
Total allotted time to complete the parcel, luggage, or lockers testing will be five minutes.